today i’ll be demonstrating you how toeasily fix any organization issues with ios, ipad os and even tv os butthat’s coming up right after this! if you’re brand-new now and want to stay up to datewith the latest tech please made subscribe followed by the bell, you can also keep up on facebookinstagram and gab by clicking the links in the specific characteristics. So ios is great and while itnormally works without any issues when we do come across issues that sometimes that they can be anightmare and not even let you reset your phone now today we’re going to be taking a lookat how you can fix many issues with ios or ipad os devices and how we can try and fix someof them without losing any data now the problems we’re talking about here is a frozen iphone onethat prevents restarting or boot looping and one that precisely generally will not let you boot into iosmeaning we can’t even reset or reinstate the maneuver whether it’s just apple logo matters stuck in thefu mode or you’ve had a crash during an update or restore then there’s normally a style that we canfix it now the application we’ll be using today is called reiboot ios organization mend tool and it’s gotboth free and paid tools which are detailed more on their website but it’s a one-stop shop forfixing all ios problems and they’ve asked me to showcase it to you guys now they’ve also demonstrated mefive license keys to give away that will give you guys a full access to the software so comment downbelow that you want one and i’ll randomly responded to five remarks with a key now act quickly on thekey though is there’s no way to privately message on youtube so everyone is able to see it so i’vegot my iphone 12 pro max here and we’re going to run through a couple of scenarios where i couldbe having issues and need to get it deposited now step one of course is to open the Reiboot softwarestep two push your iphone cable into the computer in step three push the lightning cable into youriphone and we’re done we’re now able to use all of these implements in order to get the phone amended nowa couple of things to note that if your phone does boot you will have to press trust this computer onthe iphone flaunt and i also came across such issues with a usb extension cable so make sure you doplug the iphone immediately into the computer’s usb now first of all i recommend determining if we can getinto recovery mode we can simply sounds the option for one click recovery and Reiboot is going toshut down the iphone and reboot it into recovery now this is great and it could even allow you tothen threw it into itunes and see if that can take over and fix any issues if that doesn’t work youcan use Reiboott to make us out of recovery mode by click departure recuperation on screen andthis is again going to reboot the iphone now sometimes you’ll is my finding that time doingthis alone could help with any boot issues and allow you to use the phone again but if thatdidn’t work then there are some huge tools in the Reiboot software this can affect many of theissues we come across so if we start you can see we’ve got two repair options available we’ve gotthe standard repair and the deep repair now put simply the standard repair will do it best to fixyour issues without losing any of the phone’s data and the deep repair is for more serious scenarioswhere standard repair doesn’t fix it but a depth fixing will reset your phone and lose all of yourdata so we’re going to start with the standard repair something to note before you do this isyou must have at least 800 meg of free storage and the process is also going to update your phoneto the latest version of ios you must also make sure that your phone’s got plenty of capability as youdon’t want it running out during mend and if you do have a jailbroken device then this process isgonna unjail break it and articulated it back to ordinary and of course this is also for software faultsonly and it cannot repair transgres hardware so if we go ahead and press standard amend youcan see it’s got my phone details up on the top and it’s automatically selected a downloadpath for the latest ios firmware so you can change this if required but that folder is finefor me so i’m going to sounds download it’s then going to download the latest os which you can seehere is ios 14.4.2 and at this stage it is just downloading firmware so if your phone does bootthen you can still use it if we then skip the download to 100 we then sacrifice a notice that thefirmware package is ready we can begin repair now time click start standard repairand it will begin at the amend process now first of all it’s going to verify thefirmware is correct and has no issues which shouldn’t take long it will then unpack thefile and prepare to use it to repair the phone now “youre seeing” formerly checked and unpacked myiphone has completely shut off and it’s then booted into recovery and it’s going to beginat transferring and installing the latest ios edition from personal computers now you get a progressbar on both the phone as well as the pc spectacle but this process can take roughly 10 hours so we’ll time fast forward it once we get to the end we get the message thatstandard repair has been terminated on the right boot software and you’ll notice the iphone restartin a lot of cases your iphone is going to take a bit longer than regular to reboot but when itdoes it should hopefully be fixed and best of all we have not lost any data in doing this as youcan see my phone has now rebooted and i get the swipe up to upgrade because it’s now on newersoftware i swipe up and we get the lading saloon before it lades into the latest ios as you cansee it’s updated and i haven’t lost any data as i’ve still got my backgrounds with transparentwidgets as well as my apps currently there on this device so great for most people and hopefully thisdid fix it for you but what if that didn’t work well regrettably in that scenario you will haveto use the deep repair which can result in a reset while sterilizing your phone now when it comes to thedeep repair it’s the same warning as last-place day but as i said it’s also going to factory resetyour phone we’re going to feign that my phone is still not working and go through the process indeep repair so again i’ll go ahead and sounds penetrating fixing it wants the latest firmware version butwe’ve already get that from the standard repair so we can go ahead and then click next and thenbegin the deep repair same as before it’s going to verify the firmware copy we haveand then unpack it ready to transfer to my phone when it hits 100 my phone then restarts we can seeon screen it’s repairing the system again this is going to take approximately 10 minutes but you’ll geta progress bar on both the iphone itself as well as the Reiboot software but again i’ll merely skipthis to where it’s terminated now formerly finished we get the notification that the reparation is completeand your iphone will then restart because this has also erased our data the phone is going to take alot longer to reboot and then when it does we’ll have all the first setup to go through loggingback into our apple ids and setting up things like wi-fi passwords if you’ve got any software relatedissues at all though this simple process can help get things departing and get your phone 100 backto ordinary of course sometimes it can be hard to diagnose if it’s hardware or a application blame butin those instances then i’d recommend the standard repair is you’ve really got nothing to lose butyou can see my phone is up and running again and behaving as regular so whatever your softwareissue is by this time your iphone ipad or tv os should be doing the same now for those of youthat do want to give it a try of course i’ve left the links down in the specific characteristics below butas i said some of it is free but then some of it is paid only just comment down below if you dowant a paid permission key and as i said i’ll select five criticisms at random and reply to them withthe permission key so make sure your notifications are on and you are ready to use that system quicklythey’ve also given me a discount code of a7 e5e that’ s going to give you 30 off the purchaseprice and of course that discount code is down in the description as well so again all links aredown in the specific characteristics below and that’s it for today’s guide but if there’s anything i’ve missedor you’ve got any questions then just ask them in the comments and i’ll get back to you as soon as ican but thanks for watching the video if you liked it smash a thumbs up if you didn’t make the thumbsdown twice and i’ll see you guys in the next one you
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